Vampyr: Talisman of Invocation Wikia

Working backwards from the finished product to understand how it ticks.

File List

AFTER.CON	afterlife tile images
AFTER.MAP	afterlife tile data
CASTLE.MAP	castle tile data
DUNGEON.CON	talisman and Blackeye dungeon tile images
DUNGEON.MAP	talisman and Blackeye dungeon tile data
DUNGMON.CON	talisman and Blackeye dungeon NPC images
DUNGMON.DAT	talisman and Blackeye dungeon monster data
ENCONTER.SET	??? NPC dialogue
ENDMON.CON	end sequence NPC images
ITEM.001	menu image; forest at night
ITEM.002	menu image; castle
ITEM.003	menu image; sword in front of axe
ITEM.004	menu image; man at campfire during night
ITEM.005	menu image; club, shield, and morning star
ITEM.006	menu image; some design
ITEM.007	menu image; landscape
LAND.CON	overworld tile images
LANDMON.CON	overworld NPC images
LANDMON.DAT	overworld NPC data
LIFEMON.CON	afterlife NPC images
LIFEMON.DAT	afterlife NPC data
MSCROLL.PIC	scroll end image from title screen
PLAYER.CON	player images
PLAYER.SAV	Player data
RUINMON.CON	ruin NPC images
SCROLL.PIC	Dalagash poem on start screen
THEEND.CON	ending sequence tile images
THEEND.MAP	ending sequence tile data
TITLE.001	top left of title screen background
TITLE.002	top middle of title screen background
TITLE.003	top right of title screen background
TITLE.004	bottom left of title screen background
TITLE.005	bottom middle of title screen background
TITLE.006	bottom right of title screen background
TOWN.CON	town tile images
TOWN.MAP	town tile data; all six towns are in this file
TOWNMON.CON	town NPC images
UNIV.CON	universal tile images; contains water, grass, FX tiles, and more
VAMPYR.001	logo on game hud
VAMPYR.DOC	game info
VAMPYR.EXE	executable; ???
VCASTLE.MAP	vampyr's castle tile data
WORLD.MAP	overworld tile data

	player data
	refer to hax.xcf for specifics
	raw tile data
	each byte represents 1 tile
	can be paired with a tileset to produce and image of the map
	does NOT contain monster data
	map dimensions divisible by 10; results in "interesting" file sizes
	graphic files
	three different file sizes
		4860 (player.con, univ.con)
		8424 (*mon.con)
	file sizes divisible by 18^2, the size of graphics
	file size: 500
	all have filesize of 364
	monster data, stored in table fashion
	13 entries of 28 bytes each
	1 byte, 15 byte name, 12 bytes of data (including weapon/armor)
	filesize: 43806
ITEM.001 - ITEM.007


This is an array of records which defines which NPCs exist, where, and what they say.

struct npc {
    char icon;
    char unknown; // maybe map ID?
    char stack_size;
    char x;
    char y;

    char dialog1_length;
    char[70] dialog1;

    char dialog_2_length;
    char[70] dialog2;    

The icon corresponds to an index in the sprite sheet for a given level (e.g. if a town then it's TOWNMAN.CON, and a value of 1 corresponds to a merchant, 2 is the guard, etc.

The stack size says how many NPCs will be part of the battle. For example, this is typically 8 (the max) for guards.

x and y are self explanatory although the top-left corner of the map is (1,1). (The is called out because the intuitive way is to have the top-left as 0,0)

dialog1 and dialog2 always has space for 70 characters, even if the length is smaller. This means the rest of the buffer typically has garbage. It's interesting to note that some of the garbage looks a lot like Pascal (combine that with the fact that the binary appears to has BGI statically linked in suggests that this was coded in Borland Turbo Pascal circa 1989 or before).

Shops utilize the dialog not as text but as specially formatted strings:

  • Armor shops look like: ARM XX YY ZZ ... where XX, YY, ZZ .. are 2 character IDs of the armor being sold (see the list of IDs below)
  • Weapon shops look like: WPN XX YY ZZ ... where XX, YY, ZZ .. are 2 character IDs of the weapons being sold (see the list of IDs below)
  • Pubs look like: PUB X Y Z
  • Inns look like: INN X Y Z
  • Trainers look like: TRN X Y Z
  • Travel agencies look like TNP ID COST

Save File

The player save is stored in a file called PLAYER.SAV. It has 77 bytes in the following structure:

struct player_save {
    char name_length;
    char name[10];

    char race;
    unsigned char level; // game max is 15

    signed short max_life;
    signed short current_life;

    signed short gold;
    unsigned int xp;

    unsigned char max_magic; // note that life is signed but magic is not
    unsigned char current_magic;

    unsigned char physical_strength;
    unsigned char mental_strength;
    unsigned char dexterity;
    unsigned char constitution;
    unsigned char luck;

    // some spells buff stats so this tracks what to reset those stats to when the buff runs off
    char base_fighting_attack;
    char base_fighting_defense;
    char base_magic_offensive;
    char base_magic_defense;

    char fighting_attack;
    char fighting_defense;
    char magic_offensive;
    char magic_defense;
    char magic_miscellaneous;
    char lock_picking;
    char climbing;
    char stealing;
    char perception;

    char held_weapon; // weapons in range 0x00 to 0x35
    char worn_armor; // armor in range 0x00 to 0x??

    char mission_one_flag; // whether you spoke to the evil claric
    char mission_two_flag; // whether you talked to Tulik
    char mission_three_flag; // whether you beat the vampire in myron
    char mission_four_flag; // whether you have the talisman
    char mission_five_flag; // whether you've talked to the sage
    char mission_six_flag; // probably if the basement in calatiki is open

    char mission_one_complete;
    char mission_two_complete;
    char mission_three_complete;
    char mission_four_complete;
    char mission_five_complete;

    char blue_rose;
    char met_dalagash;
    char unknown; // probably a flag, unremarked upon by the Gods in Heaven...
    char learned_rust_armor;

    char x; // x coord on overworld
    char y; // y coord on overworld

    char current_spell; // which buff is currently applied (e.g. wizard eye,etc)
    char mystery; // turn counter? goes up by one if you move 1 step on the overworld...
			// reset on escape from heaven?

    char weapon_inventory[5]; // restrictions on weapon range apply
    signed char held_weapon_durability;
    signed char weapon_inventory_durability[5]; // 1 to 1 map with weapon_inventory
    signed char worn_armor_durability;


The player name is split into two parts: the length, followed by that many characters in the name.

The player character generator will always set the length to 10. If the name has less than 10 letters, the name will be padded out with spaces (0x20). Regardless of the length, null characters (0x00) will prematurely terminate the string.

The letters of the name can be anything on Code page 437 . The null character will prematurely terminate the string. Alt codes will work for entering non-ASCII characters.


A valid race is one of 6 values:

  • 0 - Human
  • 1 - Dwarf
  • 2 - Elf
  • 3 - Corintir
  • 4 - Superior
  • 5 - Superior

The lines up with the images in PLAYER.CON. Any value between 0x06 and 0x0E will change the player graphic to the appropriate sprite on that sprite sheet but will not show anything in the Race field of the character sheet.

Values of 0x0F and above make you look like a spider, but the game will crash trying to enter towns or dungeons. Saving will fail and erase your file so don't do that.

"Base" Stats VS Apparent Stats

Some spells buff a stat for a period of time. For example, Mystical Boost will raise your Magic Offensive stat until it wears off. The game tracks this temporarily augmented stat as a separate field in the save data from the actual value of that stat. The real value is tracked as the "base".

Current Buff

Along with the stats that are affected, the sve file tracks which buff is currently applied. It mostly likely uses this to know, when the time is up, which stat to reset. Each spell has it's own value:

00 (Normal)
01 Wizard Eye
02 Mystical Boost (buff to magic offensive, reflected on ztats screen)
03 Heroism
04 Spell Protection
05 Shield
06 Iron Skin
... ?

Weapon IDs

Each weapon is represented by a unique value. This includes not only items you can buy in store but also weapons that NPCs use:

00 Hands
01 Dagger
02 Staff
03 Mace
04 Morning star
05 Axe
06 Long Sword
07 2H Sword
08 Long Bow
09 Sling
0A Club
0B Dagger +1
0C Staff +1
0D Mace +1
0E Morning Star +1
0F Axe +1
10 Long Sword +1
11 2H Sword +1
12 Long Bow +1
13 Sling +1
14 Club +1
15 Dagger +2
16 Staff +2
17 Mace +2
18 Morn. Star +2
19 Axe +2
1A Long Sword +2
1B 2H Sword +2
1C Long Bow +2
1D Sling +2
1E Club +2
1F Dagger +3
20 Staff +3
21 Mace +3
22 Morn. Star +3
23 Axe +3
24 Long Sword +3
25 2H Sword +3
26 Long Bow +3
27 Sling +3
28 Club +3
29 Slime
2A Bite
2B Big Bite
2C Giant Bite
2D Fist
2E Big Fist
2F Giant Fist
30 Claws
31 Big Claws
32 Giant Claws
33 Vampire Touch
34 Vampyr Touch
35 Big Broom
36 255
... ?

Armor IDs

Each armor in the game is represented with a unique ID. This includes things you can buy in-store as well as monster armor:

00 Nude
01 Cloth
02 Padded
03 Leather
04 Studded
05 Ring Mail
06 Scale Mail
07 Chain Mail
08 Splint Mail
09 Plate Mail
0A Full Plate
0B Cloth +1
15 Cloth +2
1F Cloth +3
28 Full Plate +3
29 Bones
2A Thick Skin
2B Transparency
2C Fur
2D Thick Fur
2E Scales
2F Magic Robe
30 Hard Bark
31 Slime Coating
... ?

The "Mystery" Counter

There is one byte between the current buff and the player inventory whose use is unknown. My guess is that it's a turn counter because when save, take a single step in the overworld, and save again then it will increment by 1. Although, I'm not sure why the game cares. It seems to reset when you are deemed worthy in Heaven.

Unknown Bytes

Between the mission completion flags and the current overworld location are 4 bytes. They never seem to change.
